Yingqi Wang (grad22)

Yingqi Wang

Physical Chemistry, Peking University
Under. 2018.  Grad. 2022.
Research Area: 2D materials with Dirac Cones
Email:  2201110464_at_pku.edu.cn



2000.3, born in Beijing, China

2018.9--2022.7, B. Sc. in physics, Yuanpei College (major in physics), Peking University

2019.9--2022.7, B. Sc. double major in chemistry, College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Peking University

2022.9--present, Ph.D candidate, College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Peking University



1. Yingqi Wang, Zijian Wang, Ting Cheng, and Zhirong Liu*. Carrier mobility of two-dimensional Dirac materials: the influence of optical phonon scattering. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 25 (35), 23491-23501 (2023). (This article is part of the themed collection: 2023 PCCP HOT Articles)



Stay tuned.



1. The Third Prize of Peking University Scholarship (2020)

2. Award for Academic Excellents (2020)

3. National Scholarship, Ministry of Eduation of the People's Republic of China (2021).

4. Weiming Outstanding Student Scholarship (2021)



Piano, football, swimming.


Ghost? No, it is the lifetime of electrons in Dirac materials due to the scattering of optical phonons.