Hongfei Wu (grad23)
Hongfei Wu
Physical Chemistry, Peking University
Under. 2019, Grad. 2023
Research Area: deep learning, protein allosteric regulation
Tel: ????
Email: 2301110442_at_pku.edu.cn
2019.9--2023.7, B. Sc., College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering (major degree) and School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science (second degree), Peking University
2023.9--*, Ph.D candidate, College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Peking University
1. Hongfei Wu, Lijun Wu, Guoqing Liu, Zhirong Liu, Bin Shao, Zun Wang*. SE3Set: Harnessing equivariant hypergraph neural networks for molecular representation learning. Preprint arXiv:2405.16511. (in submission)
2. Zun Wang#, Hongfei Wu#, Lixin Sun, Xinheng He, Zhirong Liu, Bin Shao, Tong Wang*, and Tie-Yan Liu. Improving machine learning force fields for molecular dynamics simulations with fine-grained force metrics. J. Chem. Phys. 159 (3), 035101/1-12 (2023). (Cover Paper)
Stay tuned.
1. President's fund for undergraduate scientific research. Prediction of protein allosteric effect using deep learning method.
Stay tuned.
Painting, guitar, music arrangement, video game development.