【北大-博纳艾杰尔分析化学学术报告会】Next-generation bioanalysis and DNA sequencing with nanopores

报告人:Prof. Stefan Howorka

University College London, Department of Chemistry

Stefan Howorka is Professor of Chemical Biology at the Department of Chemistry, University College London, United Kingdom. His research focus is on designing, creating, and characterizing nanopores. Pores developed and analysed in his group are currently being used by industry for portable DNA sequencing. He published seminal papers in the field including in Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Biotechnology, and Science.



报告摘要New methods to analyse living biosystems are in great demand in research, diagnostics, and homeland security. Of relevance are methods that allow simple, label-free, inexpensive, and portable detection of bioanalytes. In my talk, I will present how nanopores meet these criteria and advance bioanalysis. In nanopore sensing, individual molecules pass through a nanoscale hole and are detected based associated electrical current. Nanopores have pioneered portable DNA sequencing and stand to revolutionise protein analysis.


